Greetings all,
I went down to Bullet today to pick up my new tire (blow last weekend
on the 5/55 interchange down here in OC, CA.) and who should I see, but
Jordan. He asked if I had installed Mark’s chip yet, and I sheepishly
replied that it was still sitting in my garage. As an aside, I saw Dave’s
M5 there w/ his VERY fat tires — nice! 🙂
So when I got home, I was inspired (or shamed?):
First impressions of the chip (only took it around the block..)
- Idle definitely seems smoother.
- Throttle response seemed better too.
- Not sure about the power — I don’t know if it was me or
the chip that seemed more eager to move around cars.
In any case, overall very impressive. Perhaps at some point I’ll get a dyno done.