If you have an M30 engine, get this chip now!!!! If you don’t, you’re missing
out big time. 15 minutes to install. I let it idle 10 min and headed for the nearest
freeway ramp. Even with my Automatic tranny, it rocketed up that ramp on the
way to the fastest 85mph it’s ever done. I didn’t Want a ticket, but this was
delightful performance. I had this incredible feeling that a lot more power was
available above 3500 rpm range but city traffic not the venue for that kind of thing.
No flat spots, revs very smoothly and now I can feel a lot more torque. Also,
seems gas mileage is going to get better. I noticed the mpg indicator staying at
much higher levels. Went for another drive a couple hours later, it felt even stronger.
Best moment of day: a new-looking, white Mercedes E-320 with what looked like
non-standard 18″ wheels pulled into left lane about 10 car lengths behind me. I
moved to centre lane, let him get abreast and ahead just enough to see it was a
320, nailed it and went from 75mph to about 95 (only for about 20 seconds) leaving
him in the proverbial dust.
GET THIS CHIP IF YOU HAVE AN M30. I can only imagine what the EAT chip would do for a 5-speed!