PLEASE NOTE: orders are usually shipped out once a week (on Monday or Tuesday) by USPS Priority Post.

I can usually be reached on SKYPE if you see that I am online, but please send a SKYPE instant message first. I try to respond to most emails within 48 hours or less,if you didn’t receive a response in that time, please try again.

When ordering a chip, it is suggested that you actually locate the DME and read the number from it before ordering, as it is possible that you may have a different one from what is expected. BMW changed the DME used for the M50 non-VANOS motor 3 times between 1991 and 1993 and it was not always done between model years. Since the ignition timing has been advanced, 91 or higher octane MUST be used or engine damage may result.

Most chips are available with either the stock rev. limiter or a raised limit (usually by 500 rpm). Raised rev. limit chips are identified by an “R” in the product number.

To read feedback from current owners of the Ultrachip, please see the RAVES page


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